Can Hearing Aids Damage Your Hearing?

Hearing aids are designed to manage hearing loss. They don’t prevent hearing loss or hearing damage.

However, if misused, hearing aids can damage your hearing. Hearing loss is caused by extended subjection to noise. If the hearing aid is programmed so that the noise is too much, the hearing aid will cause further deterioration to your hearing condition.

Therefore, it is essential to see a qualified audiologist to get your hearing aid fitted properly and programmed. The specialist will also help you get the best hearing aid for your hearing loss needs.

Hearing aids have other side effects if they are not used correctly or one wears the wrong kind of hearing aid. The side effects include:
  1. Tinnitus and headaches

If you wear a hearing aid and the volume level is incorrect, you can start experiencing headaches and ringing in the ears. If you experience any headaches or tinnitus, consult your specialist immediately and get your hearing aid

  1. Skin irritation and soreness

Skin irritation and soreness occur when you wear a hearing aid that doesn’t fit you correctly. If it is too loose or too tight, it will cause irritation or soreness, which is very uncomfortable.

  1. Itchy ear canal

This will happen early on before you get used to the hearing aid. When this happens, don’t remove the hearing aid and scratch your inner ear. Instead, wipe your ears with a moist cloth to keep the ear canal moisturised.

  1. Sound problems

If your hearing aids volume is too high or too low, you can turn this down yourself. However, there are times you need to see your specialist for them to adjust and reprogram your device to the right volume for you.

  1. Feedback and interference

There are noises you cannot control, such as whistling, crackling and hissing. When you experience these annoying sounds, consult your specialist to help you resolve the problem.

If you’re searching for affordable hearing aids, look no further than EarDeals. We have the best range of quality and affordable hearing aids. Visit our website to browse our range or contact us for more information.